More than 50 people, almost all of them under 21, are scheduled to be in court Monday morning after what Plainville police call the largest under aged party busts in years.
Police say they found more than 40 teens drinking and partying, late Friday night.
"What these kids don't understand is that if you're at these parties, even if you're not drinking, you can still be arrested for minor possession of alcohol," said William McEvoy of the Plainville police.
Police say when they arrived at the home they heard loud music, found beer and liquor bottles throughout the house and a large amount of marijuana in a jar.Altogether, 52 people, 46 of them under the age of 21, two juveniles, were all arrested.
Surprisingly, police say the homeowners will not be charged, since they were not at the house at the time of the party.
The cops in Plainville are calling this a bust. They say the "raided" this house. Hate to burst your bubble here Plainville PD, but the terms busts and raids are reserved for busting and raiding high-level Colombian coke dealers. What you did here is called breaking up a party. Cops break up parties all the time. Most don't have that dickhead in them that makes them arrest every single person at the party. What you did here is waste resources, clog up the judicial system, and just in the general sense of the word, you all were assholes.
I wanna break down the genius quote by William McEvoy of the Plainville PD for a second. This criminal justice major who knows what is right and what is wrong states "What these kids don't understand is that if you're at these parties, even if you're not drinking, you can still be arrested for minor possession of alcohol." Now what kind of example is the Plainville cops trying to send out to all those responsible kids who were designated drivers that night. I'm sure there were 5 or 6 really good kids who drove their friends to the party and didn't have a drink. That's what good teenage kids do. They can straddle the booze drugs and morality thing better than anyone. Fuckin el retardo cops come in and arrest these kids. Don't arrest the designated drivers. That's Copping 101. That's how you gain respect in the community. Build friendships and shit. C'monnnn, common sense has got to trump the stipulation of the Massachusetts underage drinking law.
The cops got their big bust after their heroic raid of this suburban home. A bunch of teenagers, 5 30-packs and a jar of weed. Big score. But, hey, thank God there wasn't any Four Lokos at the party.
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