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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Guys A DoucheBag

Jeff Green and Delonte West let this one slip through their fingertips.  That is not a figurative form of speech, my friend.  These two actually let the ball slip through their fingertips and right into Lebron Jame's egomaniacal head of his.  I thought I hated Kobe, but he doesn't even compare to the amount of disgust I feel for Lebron James.  The guy is a dirtbag.  There is not a normal person in the world who could look at him and say, "I'd smoke some weed with that guy, or have a couple beers." 

He is the worst kind of athlete in this country.  If D-Wade didn't break Rondo's arm after the foul and Danny Ainge didn't fall under the spell of the genie from Kazaam, this series would have been a different story.  I'm not even all that upset at any of the Celtics.  Rondo had one arm, Pierce, Allen, and Garnett are in their mid-30s and Perk is not even on the team anymore. 

I wish the NBA was like soccer and we could lease players out for about a month or so.  We could lease Pierce to the Bulls and not tell anyone until he comes out of the tunnel for Game 1 against the Heat.  Lebron can't beat Pierce when they have equal supporting casts.  Pierce is the man and his teammates were dropping passes like Terrell Owens out there.  Lebron is an overgrown baby who has been spoon fed everything his entire life, and I hope the real phenom eats him up next round.  That's right, I'm talking about Tom Thibodeau, the defensive mastermind of the past 3 Celtics teams.  Thibodeau will have Lebron making his trademark crying face more times Bin Laden prayed to Mecca in the past ten years. 

Go Bulls.  Fuck Lebron

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