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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get Me This SoloWheel


Like a stripped-down Segway, Inventist's new Solowheel is geared for the mobile urbanite. The "self-balancing electric unicycle" operates through gyroscopic technology, which a 1000-watt rechargeable lithium-ion battery powers. On a full charge (which takes about 45 minutes), the Solowheel lasts two hours—but the battery actually recaptures energy when going downhill.
Weighing only 20 pounds and consisting of little more than a simple wheel with a fold-up foot platform on either side, you can easily throw it in your backpack or briefcase once you reach your destination, or carry it by its convenient handle.

Gadget's really aren't my thing, but I'd love to the be the first of my friends to get a hold of this thing. 
Buddy:  "Hey, Kyle, what's that you're riding around on?"
Me:  "Oh, just the newest invention out there, the Rolowheel."
They would be stunned and would immediately want to be just like me.  It's tough to jump to the conclusion that this is for the "mobile urbanite."  Sounds more like it is for the fat piece of shit who wants to eliminate walking entirely out of their life.  400 pound creatures are going to be riding dirty in a city near you soon.  Get your cameras ready Folks!

PS-  I don't live in the city, but I love the dynamic of bringing in another group of people to get pissed off at.  Bikers, Cars, Pedestrians, Skateboarders, ROLOWHEELERS.  Shit makes my day.

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