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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Guy Got Stoned, Mauled By Grizzly

The story: The Montana Supreme Court this week decided that a nature park worker who was mauled by a grizzly bear in 2007 should get workers' compensation — even though he was high on marijuana at the time. The man, Brock Hopkins, admitted he smoked a joint before deciding to feed the animals at Great Bear Adventures, a privately run park where black bears and grizzlies roam outdoors. While Hopkins was in the bear enclosure, a grizzly named Red attacked and severely injured him. His initial workers' compensation claim was denied. The owner of the park, Russ Kilpatrick, said Hopkins doesn't even really work there, but was more of a helper he gave money to "out of his heart." The state Supreme Court disagreed, saying Hopkins was hurt while doing work for Kilpatrick, so he deserved to be compensated for his injuries. Hopkins' altered state, the court said, didn't matter, because grizzlies are "equal-opportunity maulers."

Let's chalk one up here for common sense.  I never knew that the Montana Supreme Court had such a level head on it's shoulders.  If you smoke a joint and a bear tries to eat you, you should get compensated.  You should get a gold fucking medal.  Got high and survived a grizzly attack.  I'm pretty sure that is why they invented the circus.  Shit like that is entertainment gold.  Common Sense will win outright everytime, remember that when you start to get irrational.

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